Workshops for your choir or vocal group...
"The whole experience was a lot of fun and James' infectious enthusiasm
carried over into our songs and injected our music with energy and dynamism."
- James Hugall, Chairman, Jazzmanix, Southampton University
A selection of themed workshops are available, from 1 hour sessions to full day courses. These workshops are designed to help develop your choir musically (organisational consultancy sessions are also available).
"April saw a welcome return of James Davey to MK Chorale to lead a second workshop, this time with the theme of 'Changing choral colour'. With the focus on the production of different vowel sounds James encouraged us to create sounds in spaces we didn't know we had.... By the end of a most enjoyable evening we had all improved our knowledge of the relationship between vocal techniques and the sounds that we make, especially the different vowel sounds needed by different languages - even if we were singing in English."
- Penny Yates, Chairman, Milton Keynes Chorale